Whether you’re traveling and battling a chronic pain condition, or just stiff and sore from your travel adventures, these seven in-bed stretches can help to ease some of your pain.
When you’re traveling it’s easy to get stiff from all that walking, sitting, and constant go, go, go of the adventure. Doing a little in-bed stretching, because the ground of a hotel room may be a little icky, is a great way to keep limber and active for all your vacation days.
An easy way to incorporate it into your vacation is to take a quick 10 minutes at bedtime or in the morning. Do it straight from your hotel room bed while in your pajamas. I would do these exact moves in bed, and I do! But today it was easiest to take pictures for you on a mat…because my bed is currently covered in fabric.
You’re going to love these in-bed stretches!
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Stretch One: Child’s Pose

This move is great to start with if you’re feeling a little stiff.
With your toes untucked, spread your knees as wide as you want and place your booty on top of your heels. Stretch your arms out in front of you or place them in front of you as I did in the photo above. You can stretch your back with your arms stretched out in front of you, as well as a variation by crawling your arms to the left or right for a slight side stretch.
Stretch Two: Reclined Butterfly Pose

If you’ve ever done a butterfly pose where you put the palms of your feet together and lean into the stretch, this one’s the same thing, only lying down.
Start by laying on your back with the palms of your feet on the floor and your knees folded. When you’re ready, drop your knees and bring the palms of your feet to touch.
This stretch can get very deep as it opens your hips and stretches your lower half. If it hurts or gets too deep, try propping up your knees with a pillow on each side. Hotels always have plenty of pillows on the bed! So you should have no problem finding the proper support needed for this move on your vacation.
Stretch Three: Knees To Chest Pose

This one is as simple as it sounds. While laying on your back, simply hug your knees to your chest to relieve any pain you may be experiencing.
Take your time here. Remember to breathe. You can rock side to side if you desire, I find that’s easier to do in bed rather than on a hard surface.
Stretch Four: Supine Spine Twist

To continue with these in-bed stretches. While on your back, bend one leg over the other, you can keep the bottom leg straight or bend it as well. Make sure the top leg is exaggerated with how far it’s bent over the bottom leg.
You can make a “T” with your arms by spreading both of your arms out widely, or simply use your arms to help guide the move. Keep your upper back as flat on the floor or bed as you can while doing this.
Remember to switch sides for an even stretch!
Stretch Five: Seated Spinal Twist Variation

Similar to your average Seated Spinal Twist, only with less leg twists. This post is simple to do in bed and gives you a good back stretch to start your day with! If you ever need to pop your back, this one does the trick for me! Go slow and be careful not to hurt yourself!
Sitting on your knees, slowly turn your shoulders and place your hand on the mat behind you. Rest one hand on the closest knee and twist just enough to feel a stretch. Repeat with the other side.
You can do this same move in a crisscross applesauce position if it’s easier on your legs.
Stretch Six: Reclining Hero Pose

This is a good pose to do if you really need to stretch your upper thighs.
While still in the seated position from the previous pose, recline back onto your elbows. You can go all the way to the floor or bed and lay on your back if you desire a deeper stretch. Or simply stop here. Rocking back and forth a little on your shins allows you to find a deeper stretch in your thighs.
If you have chronic pain and choose to do this move, I highly recommend you do it from the comfort of your bed. A cushy surface is definitely better than a hard floor in this case.
Stretch Seven: Sideleg Butterfly Pose

There are several butterfly poses that you can easily do as in bed stretches.
Variations include:
- Bring your legs together in the middle, toes touching and sit up straight or bend over and bring your hands flat to the bed/floor for a deeper stretch
- Bend one leg and stretch the other. You can stop here, or bring your arm over your head and lean into the stretch for a deeper stretch in your leg
- Alternatively, you can bend completely over, either to the side or directly in front of yourself, laying your chest as close to the ground/your bed as you can
Remember to do both sides if you’re going to stretch one leg at a time! And breathe!
That’s all the in-bed stretches I have for you today! I hope you found this list helpful and that you put it to good use on your next travel adventures.
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P.S. If you’re looking for an activity you can do on a bad flare day and from bed or with your virtual community, download our free trivia here.
Playing trivia is a great way to still participate in fun activities with your friends and family without ever leaving the comfort of your bed. It’s perfect for keeping in touch with friends who you may not be able to visit regularly. Check it out and let us know what you think! 👇