Okay, real talk time…
Do you have a big stash of materials? I’m talking about fabric, yarn, patterns, thread, buttons and zippers, paint, and any other number of supplies! Do you have a bunch of that on hand? Are you just like me?
…Are we material hoarders? Oh my gosh, we’re material hoarders! We have big dreams that we’re prepping for but not pursuing!
If you too have a large stash on hand, this prepping but not pursuing needs to stop! We need to get on top of this. To make this a little easier, I have a challenge for you.
I challenge you to use up as much of your materials as you can between now and the end of the year. To use up your crafty stash! I’ll introduce you to the challenge rules below, and if you decide to join us, comment below #UseUpYourStashChallenge so I know you’re joining!
I’m sure I’m not the only one with a shelf or two of materials they haven’t used yet. I have so many projects planned that I just haven’t gotten to. And I have so much material. Scraps, brand new fabric, some ribbons, and buttons. Oh and lots of thread, I buy those in big sizes.
The #UseUpYourStashChallenge is going to be great! We’re going to clean up our piles, save money, and finally make those projects we’ve been dreaming of.
Let’s use this stuff up! Let’s make some projects from our dream list.
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The Rules:
- Date/Duration: Now – December 31st.
- Use up as much of your material stash as you can
- Create at least six complete projects – at least two of them have to be for yourself
- Write down your goals
Below I have included a few additional, recommended steps and further detail on the above to help this really be a successful #UseUpYourStashChallenge.
Six Projects
The goal of the #UseUpYourStashChallenge is simply to make six things out of material currently in your stash. There are six (ish) months left in the year, let’s do something big with our creativity!
Personally, I really want to use up some of my materials that I don’t need for anything. I mean use up completely. I’m planning on making bigger projects for this challenge. Not something small for the sake of saying I made something. I want to make an impact on my stash.
I urge you to complete this challenge without going shopping for any other project materials until you’ve completed these things. Because if we’re still shopping, what’s the point?
A few more thoughts on the six project goals:
- Not all of the six items can be for other people. At least two of these six projects have to be for you.
- Each of these projects has to be a newly started project, not finishing a half-started project from before. (We’ll do another challenge for that in the future!)
- Exception: You can make two purchases during the next six months if you do not have the item you need on hand. But the item cannot be your main material, e.g. fabric, yarn, thread, paint, clay, etc. An example would be buying a needle to replace a broken one, a zipper, or something like that. One item. The goal is not to restock.
Take inventory
What do you have a lot of? Do you have tons of fabric that you bought that you’ve been dying to use but you haven’t because you’re scared to cut into it? Or you’ve had other projects that needed your attention first? What does your inventory look like?
It doesn’t matter if it’s fabric, yarn, zippers, buttons, paint, patterns, clay, or whatever else I’m forgetting to mention. Whatever it is that you have a lot of, take note of it. Take note of what you have on hand for projects that you’ve been dying to make.
I can’t be the only one dreaming and prepping for things that I just haven’t gotten around to yet. I’ve been dreaming of making a dress inspired by this gorgeous one I found on Etsy almost two years ago. And you know what, it’s about time we get to it!
My Inventory: I have a lot of fabric, buttons, thread, and some paint on hand that isn’t being used. I also have a lot of fabric scraps, but I’m going to save those for a future project/challenge.
Your Needs/Wants
While we’re taking inventory of what we have on hand, let’s look into what pieces we need and want.
Remember that dress I mentioned earlier that I’ve been dreaming about making for almost two years now? That’s something I want, and actually, I’m going to need a dress pretty soon for a wedding I will be attending later this year. Because my want and my need collide so perfectly, and I happen to have plenty of gorgeous satin fabric on hand, which somehow also happens to be the color theme of this wedding. At this point, I mean, if I don’t make this dress it would be a tragedy. That will be in my goals list below.
If there is something that you have been dreaming about making, or if you have material on hand that you bought because it was just the prettiest thing. I would encourage you to make that now. Make something for you! Create for the purpose of creating because you have the supplies on hand. Create for the joy of it! Make whatever your heart desires. Dream big here.
If you need some project inspo, check out this post about Pursuing your Interests and Passions in Life. In that post, we give you a little pep talk and some project inspiration worth pursuing. Go check it out!
One little addendum: You should be making something that you will actually use. Don’t make something just for the sake of using up material. Make something that’s going to get used and you or the person you’re making it for is going to love it.
My Six Things
I’ve put some thought into what I want to make for this challenge. I’m determined to finally create (and complete) some of my sewing interests.
UPDATE: Here is a complete list of my six finished projects:
- How To Sew A Custom-Made High Neck, Backless Dress
- How To Make A Reversible Vest Using Fabric Scraps
- How To Make A Bandana For You Or Your Pet
- How To Make A Tulle Overlay Dress
- How To Make A Layering Mesh Top
- How To Make Your Own Statement Pants
Are You In?
What do you think? Are you in? Are you going to join me for #UseUpYourStashChallenge?!
Comment below #UseUpYourStashChallenge so I know you’re joining me! Use the hashtag #DoorsAndFloorsBlog and tag me on Instagram @doorsandfloorsblog when you make something from your stash!
Be sure to share your plans and your updates with me for accountability. I’ll be your biggest cheerleader! Remember to DM and tag me on Instagram to share your creative process with me so we can share it with our community!
Explore other recent posts:
- Remote Work Life in Perú: Introducing The Chickens
- How To Make A Kids Scrap Fabric Top: Design #3
- The Truth About Working Remotely In Perú
- How To Make An Eyelet Top Out Of Scrap Fabrics: Design #2
- 10 Interesting Restaurant Culture Shocks From Eating Out In Perú
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P.S. Looking for a fun activity you can do with a friend while working on tedious crafty tasks, download our free trivia here.
Playing trivia is a great way to keep your mind active and have fun with your crafty friends and family while busting out those seam ripping, crocheting, and other time-consuming, but necessary, crafty tasks.