Hiii! Did you know that playing trivia can improve your overall health?! Whether you’re facing daily challenges with chronic pain, or just need something to support mental health, trivia can help!
Beyond providing entertainment, introducing trivia into a daily, weekly, or even monthly rotation can be a comprehensive chronic pain management strategy. Trivia nights can support mental, emotional, and social well-being, enabling you to live life to your fullest.
Let’s get started!
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Disclaimer: The information on this blog is based on personal experiences and should not be considered medical advice. The information on this blog is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please ask your doctor if you have any questions.
Trivia For Your Brain
Playing trivia can improve your overall health by motivating the active use of your mind. This can enhance mental agility and cognitive performance.
Research indicates that those with greater cognitive reserve exhibit a lower likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia symptoms, underscoring the need to maintain mental stimulation and activity. An article by CNET explains that “puzzles help curb cognitive decline because they expand the brain’s cognitive reserve.”
Playing trivia can promote neuroplasticity, which is crucial for preserving cognitive function and resilience against age-related cognitive decline, by constantly testing the brain with new knowledge and activities. In a post by Discovery Commons, they outline how playing trivia can keep your mind sharp, improve memory and reduce stress, especially in your golden years.
Attending a trivia night can help with memory function since it forces participants to recall facts from a variety of categories and themes.
“Studies have shown that brain exercises can improve memory, executive functions, and processing speeds. Plus, it can slow age-related changes in the brain and those associated with neurological conditions, like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. By regularly engaging your brain by playing Trivia, you can help your mind stay sharp through all stages of life.”
Brianna LeCompte from Last Call Trivia.
A study posted on Jama Network said, “This factor includes doing crosswords and puzzles and playing games, cards, or chess, which are generally activities done with others and thus also involve a social interaction component. Many of these activities are competitive in nature and involve complex strategies and problem-solving. They use a variety of cognitive domains, including episodic memory, visuospatial skills, calculation, executive function, attention, and concentration. Crossword puzzles may also utilize language skills and semantic memory that help solve verbal and linguistic problems using preexisting knowledge. Our findings are consistent with previous studies demonstrating that performing these activities is associated with less decline in general cognitive function and several cognitive domains (eg, memory, verbal fluency) among older individuals without dementia.”
Emotional Support
Interacting with people in a lighthearted way and playing trivia can improve your overall health. Creating enjoyable settings that help improve mood and build friendships.
Studies show that “Friendships can have a major impact on your health and well-being,” says the Mayo Clinic.
Trivia nights allow people to meet and engage socially, encouraging friendships and fun. This is crucial to preventing the isolation that many people with chronic pain face.
Our trivia packs have the advantage of being playable both online and in person. Making it enjoyable even from the comfort of your bed, if you’re experiencing a high-pain day.
Stress Reduction
Finally, playing trivia can improve your overall health by relieving tension. Stress has been connected to a decline of general well-being and an increase in pain. Playing trivia games, which are entertaining and intellectually stimulating, can lower stress levels, encourage relaxation, and enhance pain management.
Countless studies support playing games (trivia, video games, crossword puzzles, etc.) to reduce stress.
If you or someone you know is living with chronic pain, frequent stress, or other symptoms, consider organizing a trivia night as part of your pain management strategy. Get creative and have fun! There are so many fun ways to host or attend trivia nights. Consider co-hosting if hosting one on your own is too stressful, this is what my sister and I like to do. If you need tips on how to be a good trivia host, check out this post.
No matter what you decide to do, try to have fun. You might just discover that relief from chronic pain can be found in the most unexpected places.
To help jumpstart your next game night, check out our free trivia below, and discover some of our trivia packs in our store.
In addition to trivia, we also offer a Pain Tracker Bundle on our website. To aid you in being your best Health Advocate.
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P.S. If you’re looking for an activity you can do on a bad flare day and from bed or with your virtual community, download our free trivia here.
Playing trivia is a great way to still participate in fun activities with your friends and family without ever leaving the comfort of your bed. It’s perfect for keeping in touch with friends who you may not be able to visit regularly. Check it out and let us know what you think! 👇